1 | (以测深杆)测定船舱内的水深. | Find the depth of water in a ship’s hold(with a sounding rod) | |
2 | 把货物装进舱里 | stow the hold with cargo | |
3 | 基督山的大脑经过这一番抚慰之后,已适宜于去拜访莫雷尔家人了,他一边走,一边轻轻地背诵出品达[品达(公元前五二一-四四一),希腊的抒情诗人。- | Monte Cristo, thus attuned to the interview he proposed to hold with Morrel and his family, departed, murmuring as he went these lines of Pindar, "Youth is a flower of which love is the fruit | |
4 | 假如你要两面光,就没有人相信你了,你要选择一方并忠于该方。 | No one will trust you if you hold with the hare and hunt with the hounds, choose one side or the other and be loyal to it | |
5 | 将货物堆装船舱里 | Stow a ship’s hold with cargo | |
6 | 两面讨好, 耍两面手法 | run with the hare and hunt with the hounds (=hold with the hare and run with the hounds) | |
7 | 路面状况、汽车本身,以及驾驶方式等都在监控之下,以随时独立调节各个车轮的减震器设置值,保证最高的舒适性。 | The condition of the road surface, the vehicle and the style of driving are monitored to adjust the damper settings independently for each wheel, guaranteeing maximum hold with the greatest comfort. | |
8 | 你赞成在舞台上作裸体表演吗? | Do you hold with nudity on the stage? | |
9 | 如果你不赞成这场比赛,你为什么又要报名参加呢? | Why did you enter for the contest if you don’t hold with it? | |
10 | 我不能容忍他,他简直使人受不了。 | I can’t hold with him,he’s insupportable. | |
11 | 我不能原谅这种违法行为。 | I won’t hold with such lawless acts. | |
12 | 我不同意他在教育问题上的观点. | I don’t hold with his views on education. | |
13 | 我不同约翰绝交。 | I do not hold with the idea to break with John. | |
14 | 我不赞成给学校交了办学费用而不利用它。 | I don’t hold with the idea of paying for the upkeep of a school and then not making use of it | |
15 | 我不赞成你所相信的一些怪念头。 | I don’t hold with some of the strange ideas you believe in | |
16 | 我不赞成同约翰绝交。 | I don’t hold with the idea to break with John. | |
17 | 我不赞成推迟进一步讨论这件事的想法。 | I dont hold with the idea of postponing further discussion of the matter | |
18 | 我不赞同你深信不疑的一些怪念头。 | I don’t hold with some of the strange ideas you believe in. | |
19 | 我不赞同这些现代思想。 | I don’t hold with these modern ideas. | |
20 | 我赞成总统对预算所作的决定。 | I hold with the president in his decisions about the budget. | |
21 | ||1:3月6日,类似的事情发生在乔治亚州,那时27个城市和郡县进行了投票,有24个城市和郡县撤销限制,允许星期天出售烈性酒,当时这可是州内的头等大事。||2:自从去年乔治亚州首次允许当地政府就星期天出售烈性酒进行全民投票,在154项类似事件中,选民同意了129项,经常以压倒性的票数胜利。||3:去年在德克萨斯州,64次是否允许当地街道出售烈性酒的投票中,有57次通过了。||4:同时在弗吉尼亚州的西部,州立法机构刚刚通过一项法案,允许烈性酒商店举行品酒大会。||5:这是自2009年以来第9个州批准此类法案。||6:行业集团美国蒸馏酒理事会弗兰克?科尔曼狂喜道:“将有更多的地方允许出售烈性酒”。 | ||1: Something similar happened in Georgia on March 6th, when voters lifted the ban on sales of alcohol on Sundays in 24 of the 27 cities and counties that had put the issue on the ballot, alongside the state’s presidential primary. ||2: Since Georgia first allowed local governments to hold referendums on Sunday sales last year, voters have approved the practice in 129 out of 154 instances, often by huge margins. ||3: Last year in Texas, attempts to turn “dry” localities “wet” succeeded on 57 out of 64 occasions. ||4: In West Virginia meanwhile, the state legislature has just passed a bill allowing liquor stores to hold tasting sessions. ||5: It is the ninth state to approve such a measure since 2009. ||6: “The world is getting wetter,” exults Frank Coleman of the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS), an industry group. | |
22 | ||1:对向往长生不老的人而言遗憾的是,凯夫做出了一个结论:永生是种幻想。||2:不过就事论事,他对此的解析的确很吸引人。||3:调查中,关于灵魂的部分对与之相关的“生机论”教义做了有力的攻击,即灵魂与身心二元论——这是一种非常直接,且许多人都相信的思想,他们认为某种超自然的力量赋予了生物生命,一个人的人格及意识能够超越死亡而存在。||4:基督徒会对凯夫探讨复活的章节感兴趣,因为他探讨了上帝重造已死者的肉体这一点是怎样一直做为各基督教派的教义保留下来的。||5:人们认为,一个人的灵魂,不同于其躯体,它终会上天堂或是下地狱,则是在该思想(上帝可以重造肉体)之后才发展出来的一种修饰。 | ||1:For the aspiring undying, Mr Cave unfortunately concludes that immortality is a mirage.||2:But his demolition project is fascinating in its own right.||3:The section on the soul is an able attack on the related doctrines of “vitalism”, the soul and mind-body dualism—the intuitive and still widely held body of ideas that hold that living creatures are animated by some sort of supernatural spark, and that an individual’s personality or consciousness can survive death.||4:The chapters on resurrection will interest Christians, as Mr Cave examines how the literal recreation, by God, of dead people’s bodies remains the doctrine of most branches of Christianity.||5:The idea of one’s soul, as opposed to one’s body, ending up in heaven or hell is a subsequent embellishment. | |
23 | ||1:多么浩大的一个工程!承运的公司(此公司通常运输核设备)建造了一个特殊结构——一座有着196个轮子的蜈蚣样的设施——以防止道路或巨石在运输途中受到损害。||2:这个庞大的设施运着在收缩膜包装下的圆石,走了11天,穿过了4个国家和22座城市。||3:它只能在夜间以步行的速度前进,且只能走可以承受其重量的桥梁和道路。||4:街头嘉年华则在巨石停留的地方兴起。 | ||1:What a trip it was.||2:A firm that normally transports nuclear equipment built a special structure, a sort of rolling centipede with 196 wheels, to prevent damage to either road or rock.||3:For 11 days this monster, bearing the shrink-wrapped boulder, crawled through four counties and 22 cities, travelling only at night and at walking speed, along bridges and roads that could hold the weight.||4:Street carnivals sprang up wherever the rock paused. | |
24 | ||1:因为化学反应需要时间,所以用这种方法操作的话电池的功率密度会很低,而电动汽车中使用的锂离子电池每千克只能产生十分之一千瓦的电量。||2:但是化学物质可以储存很多能量,所以电池有很高的能量密度(每单位重量可以包含的能量)。||3:锂离子电池每千克可存储200-300瓦时能量,而超级电容器一般可以控制在10wh/kg以下。 | ||1: Controlled in this way, chemical reactions take time, so batteries have low power density. A lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery of the sort used in electric cars might thus muster only a tenth of a kilowatt per kilogram. ||2: But chemicals can hold a lot of energy, so batteries have high energy density (the amount of energy they can contain, again per unit weight). ||3: A Li-ion battery can store 200-300 watt-hours per kilogram (wh/kg). Supercapacitors generally manage less than 10wh/kg. | |
25 | ||1:由于橡胶会部分替代沥青,在传统柏油里面,沥青这种粘合剂的作用是把碎石裹在一起。||2:而沥青源于石油,这意味着过去十年其价格随着原油价格的上涨而增加。||3:相比之下,那些废弃的轮胎不仅便宜,而且会变得越来越便宜。||4:在发达国家,平均每人每年都要扔掉一个轮胎,轮胎的累积在欧洲特别迅速,因为2006年欧洲禁止把它们倒入垃圾堆。 | ||1: That is because rubber can partially replace bitumen, the binding agent used to hold the crushed stones together in ordinary asphalt. ||2: Bitumen is derived from oil, which means its price has risen over the past decade alongside that of crude oil. ||3: Discarded tyres, by contrast, are cheap and are likely to get cheaper. ||4: In rich countries, around one tyre is thrown away per person per year. They are piling up especially quickly in Europe, where dumping them into landfills was banned in 2006. | |
26 | 其他人则认为那是战争的导火索(我赞同此观点)。 | Others see it as the beginning of a war. (I hold with those who favor fire. ) | |
27 | 实际操作上,中央银行向商业银行的账户注入资金,从而增加他们的准备金。 | In practice the central bank creates the money by crediting the accounts that banks hold with it, thus raising their reserves. |